Roof Repair Maintenance – Most composition roofs installed today are expected to last 13-25 years in our intensely hot and humid Texas climate. You will see a wide variety of shingle manufacturer’s warranties from 20-50 year and even limited lifetime warranties. This warranty typically covers the field product only such as the composition shingles on your roof. Other items such as sealants on flashings and vent pipe boots may require maintenance or replacement within the expected life of your roof. It’s a good idea to have a roof inspection performed periodically by a professional to assess that all product items are installed properly and that they are continuing to function as intended. One problem that often goes undiscovered until much damage has occurred is pipe vent boots that have decayed due to U.V. exposure. These boots have a metal base and a neoprene rubber grouping that is intended to seal around the PVC or galvanized plumbing pipe that extends up from the roof deck. The neoprene rubber is only U.V. “resistant” so eventually, it begins to become dry and crack as in the attached picture. The resulting roof leak may go unnoticed because this pipe continues vertically through the attic and often times straight down into a bathroom or kitchen wall where the drips of water are absorbed by the bottom plate of the wall framing or by insulation. Over time this will obviously cause a rotting situation not only at the roof line but may also result in mold or termite issues as well. We are a one-stop solution for your Roof Repair and Maintenance. Give Discount Roofing a call today for a free inspection at 936-756-1170.